Tradicionalna kamnita vila, pogled na morje, otok Brač, zasebni zunanji bazen
1 Parkirno mesto vključeno v ceno
Otroška posteljica in otroški stol
Otroška posteljica je na voljo na zahtevo.
Otroški stol na voljo na zahtevo.
Kuhinjska oprema
4-obročna keramična kuhalna plošča, pečica, hladilnik, zamrzovalnik, pomivalni stroj, napa, toaster, aparat za filter kave, mikrovalovna pečica, grelnik vode
Spalna sposobnost
Število ležišč: 6 + 2
Število pritrjenih ležišč: 6
Število dodatnih ležišč: 2
3 spalnice in 2 kopalnici
Dvoposteljne sobe: 2
Dvoposteljne sobe: 1
Kopalnica s kadjo: 1
Kopalnica s tušem (lastna kopalnica): 1; Ločeno stranišče: 1
Oprema vile
Pralni stroj, klima, satelitska TV, sušilec za lase, likalnik, likalna deska, Hi-Fi, žar, vrtna garnitura, brezžični internet
Vila z bazenom na Hrvaškem je tradicionalna dalmatinska kamnita hiša, ki se nahaja v središču slikovite vasice Sumartin na Braču, tik ob morju. Ta očarljiva vila Bonaca z zunanjim zasebnim bazenom je idealna za družinske počitnice ali skupine prijateljev, ki želijo preživeti čas skupaj, medtem ko uživajo v naravnih dobrotah in dobrotah Brača.
Villa Bonaca se nahaja v središču slikovite vasice Sumartin na Braču, tik ob morju. V bližini so trgovine, restavracije in kavarne.


Pošljite nam povpraševanje in naša strokovna skupina vam bo pomagala
kaj pravijo naši gostje
Perfect location close to the picturesque town centre, and at the seafront. Private swimming pool, great views.
” Lovely, clean and well equipped villa. Angela was a great host and made sure we were settled. The pool is great, and maintained daily. The village of Sumartin is charming, always lots to watch. Would definitely return and recommend “
” My wife and two friends stayed in the villa that is located above the harbour. Breakfast overlooking the harbour was a treat. Very comfortable – beautiful coastline and village. Not much open early season but our wonderful host helped with great recommendations and car hire – all very reasonable.”
“A brilliantly located property. A fruit stall by the gates and some lovely bars and restaurants with walking distance.”
“Everyone who comes on island of Brac, I am recomending villa Bonaca. I am amazed. People in Croatia are very kind and friendly. Staff gives you every information you need. Villa is very tidy. It is situated on coast and the view is beautifull. Food and vine are great. Next summer, I will come again with my family.”
“The house was amazing and we were provided with the best relaxation possible. House was very cozy and exceeded everyones expectations. The housekeeper was very nice and helpful. Also the view of the harbour – beautiful! Since the villa is in the centre there we could see a lot of things just by going out of the house. Brac was amazing and we will definately return!”
“Every year we spent holidays in a different country. This year the choice was Croatia. Brac Island was everything we hoped for and Villa Bonaca was the same. It had plenty of room for all of us, it was beautiful and in a perfect location. Definitely worth a visit!”